OK 92.18
Type Basic-special, high graphite
A nickel-cored electrode for welding normal grades of cast iron. The weld metal is soft and easily machinable. Deposition is performed on cold or slightly preheated material. The electrode is suitable for the joining/repair of grey and malleable cast irons and the joining of these cast irons to steel, monel and copper.
Thin sections can be welded cold but it is recommended that preheat be used when welding thicker sections. When welding select the smallest diameter electrode practical and operate at low currents to keep dilution to a minimum. Stringer beads should be deposited using a stepped short run technique to avoid overheating of the workpiece.
During welding the joint can be lightly peened and on completion the workpiece should be allowed to cool slowly.
Welding current:
AC, DC+/- Min OCV 50 V
Packaging - VacPac
4.0mm x 350mm x 2.3Kgs